GLIMS Downloaded Data: Description of fields (attributes)

Field nameDescription
LINE_TYPECategory of line segment. Possible values include: "glac_bound" (glacier boundary), "intrnl_rock" (internal rock outcrop, or nunatak), "snowline", "centerline" (center flowline of the glacier).
ANLYS_IDThe ID assigned within GLIMS for a particular outline of a glacier at a particular time.
ANLYS_TIMERepresentative time the analysis was carried out.
AREAMap-plane area of the glacier, as provided by the analyst, km2.
DB_AREAMap-plane area of the glacier, as calculated within the GLIMS Glacier Database, km2.
WIDTHRepresentative width of the glacier, meters.
LENGTHRepresentative length of the glacier, meters.
PRIMECLASSPrimary WGMS classification of the glacier.
MIN_ELEVElevation of the lowest part of the glacier, in meters above sea level.
MEAN_ELEVMean elevation of the glacier, in meters above sea level.
MAX_ELEVElevation of the highest part of the glacier, in meters above sea level.
SRC_DATEThe as-of date for the outline. Usually the acquisition date of the image.
REC_STATUSRecord status (should always be "okay" for downloaded data).
GLAC_NAMEGlacier name.
WGMS_IDGlacier ID assigned by the World Glacier Monitoring Service.
LOCAL_IDAn ID assigned by the GLIMS Regional Center or institution that supplied the data.
SUBM_IDID assigned by GLIMS to the entire data submission.
RELEASE_OKDate after which the data is released.
PROC_DESCDescription of the processing done to create the glacier outlines.
SUBMIT_SURSurname of the person submitting the data.
SUBMIT_GIVGiven names of the person submitting the data.
SUBMIT_AFFAffiliation of the person submitting the data.
SUBMIT_URLURL for the submitting institution.
SUBMIT_CCOCountry code for the submitting institution.
ANLST_SURNSurname of the analyst.
ANLST_GIVNGiven names of the analyst.
ANLST_AFFLAffiliation of the analyst.
ANLST_URLURL related to the analyst.
ANLST_CCODCountry code for the analyst.
CHIEF_SURNSurname of the chief of the Regional Center.
CHIEF_GIVNGiven names of the chief of the Regional Center.
CHIEF_AFFLAffiliation of the chief of the Regional Center.
RC_URLURL for the Regional Center.
RC_CCODECountry code for the Regional Center.
RC_IDGLIMS ID for the Regional Center.
GEOG_AREAGeographic region covered by the Regional Center.